- How to Specify an Electro-optical Earth Observation Camera? A Review of the Terminologies Used and its Interpretation, GEORGE JOSEPH, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, pp: 171-180, (2020).
- Satellite Observations for the Geosphere-Biosphere Programme. Pranav Desai and GEORGE JOSEPH, Current Science, Vol. 85(6), pp 737-754 (2003).
- Strategising for the future Indian EO Programme. Rao, M., Jayaraman, V., Kalyanaraman, S., GEORGE JOSEPH, Navalgund, R.R. and Kasturirangan, K., Acta Astronautica, Elsevier Science, Vol.51(1), pp.549-557(9) (2002).
- How well do we understand Earth observation electro–optical sensor parameters? GEORGE JOSEPH, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Elsevier Science, Vol.55, pp 9-12 (2000).
- IRS-1C Mission and its performance. Kasturirangan, K., Kalyanaraman, S., Aravamudan, R., GEORGE JOSEPH and Chandrasekhar, M.G. Space Technology, Elsevier Science, Vol.18(1), pp.41-49(9) (1998).
- Earth Observation Programme of India – catering to national needs of sustainable development. Rao, M., Jayaraman, V. and GEORGE JOSEPH. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ISPRS, Vol. 32(1), pp.277-292. (1998).
- Atmospheric Sounding. GEORGE JOSEPH and Pranav Desai, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, Vol.46, pp.287-313 (1996).
- Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS):1C – The beginning of a new era. Kasturirangan K., Aravamudan R., Deekshatulu B.L., GEORGE JOSEPH and Chandrasekhar M.G, Current Science, Vol. 70, No. 7, pp. 495-500 (1996).
- Cameras for Indian remote sensing satellite IRS-1C. GEORGE JOSEPH, V.S. Iyengar, Ram Rattan, K. Nagachenchaiah, A.S. Kirankumar, B.V. Aradhye, K.K. Gupta and D.R.M. Samudraiah, Current Science, Vol. 70, No. 7, pp. 510-515 (1996).
- Imaging sensors for remote sensing. GEORGE JOSEPH, Remote Sensing Reviews, Vol. 13, pp. 257-342, (1996).
- Satellite observations for the study of global change. Pranav S. Desai and GEORGE JOSEPH, Indian Jour. of Radio and Space Phys., Vol. 23, pp. 101-124, (April 1994).
- Indian space programme and possible areas of co-operation. GEORGE JOSEPH, Proc. of Asia-Pacific Conference on Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications held at Bangkok, Thailand during Jan. 14-18, 1994.
- INSAT-2 Very High Resolution Radiometer for Meteorological Observations. GEORGE JOSEPH, V.S. Iyengar, K. Nagachenchaiah, A.S. Kirankumar, V.N. Kaduskar, C.M. Nagrani, B.V. Aradhye and R.K. Dave, Journal of Spacecraft Technology, ISAC, Bangalore, Vol. 4, No.1, (January 1994).
- Very high-resolution radiometers for INSAT-2. GEORGE JOSEPH, V.S. Iyengar, K. Nagachenchaiah, A.S. Kiran Kumar, B.V. Aradhye, V.N. Kaduskar, R.K. Dave and C.M. Nagrani, Current Science, Bangalore, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 42-56, (Jan. 1994).
- Thrust areas of remote sensing applications in developing countries. GEORGE JOSEPH and Mukund Rao, Proceedings of UN/Indonesia Regional Conference on Space Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Bandung, Indonesia, (May 17-21, 1993).
- Remote sensing payloads. GEORGE JOSEPH, IETE Technical Review, Special Issue on ‘Space Electronics’ Vol. 10, No. 5, (Sept.-Oct. 1993), pp. 457-468.
- Imaging sensors for remote sensing. GEORGE JOSEPH, Journal of Spacecraft Technology, ISAC, Bangalore, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 1-22 (1992).
- IRS Mission. Kasturirangan K., GEORGE JOSEPH, Kalyanaraman S., Thyagarajan K., Chandrasekhar M.G., Raju D.V., Raghunathan S., Gopalan A.K.S., Venkatachari K.V. and Shivkumar S.K., Current Science, Vol. 61, Nos 3 & 4 p. 136-151 (1991).
- Science of remote sensing. Deekshatulu B.L. and GEORGE JOSEPH, Current Science, Vol. 61, Nos 3 & 4 p. 129-135 (1991).
- The application of remote sensing to establish a National Natural Resources Management System in India. GEORGE JOSEPH, Report of Working Group Meeting on the National Management and Optimum Utilisation of Remote Sensing Technology in ESCAP region, Jakarta, Indonesia, during 16-19 January 1990 under ESCAP/UNDP Project, pp. 31-45 (1990).
- Techniques in infrared imaging. GEORGE JOSEPH, Proc. of the Seminar on Camouflage held at Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, India, Oct. 19-21 (1989).
- Optical sensors for agricultural resources survey – An overview. GEORGE JOSEPH, Proc. Symp. on Remote Sensing in Agriculture, Ahmedabad, India, pp. 1-14 (1985).
- Electro-optical sensors for Indian programme – present and planned. GEORGE JOSEPH., Proc. US-India Symp.-cum-Workshop on Remote Sensing Fundamentals and Applications, Ahmedabad, India, pp. 11-20 (1985).
- Activities at Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on development of space borne remote sensing sensors. GEORGE JOSEPH and Bhavsar P.D., Proc. XV Int. Congress on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Rio Centro – Rio De Janeiro, Brasil, (1984).
- Optical infrared remote sensors. GEORGE JOSEPH and Manjunath A.S., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Engg. Sci) Vol. 6, p. 121-133 (1983).
- TV payload onboard Bhaskara satellite. GEORGE JOSEPH, Proc. Indo-Soviet Symp. on Space Res., Bangalore, p. 4.01 (1983).
- Design and development of CCD pushbroom camera for earth resources survey. GEORGE JOSEPH, Nagachenchaiah K. and Kiran Kumar A.S., Proc. 13th Int. Symp. on Sp. Tech. Sci., Tokyo (1982).
- Development of remote sensing sensors at ISRO. Bhavsar P.D,, GEORGE JOSEPH, and Calla O.P.N., Proc. 2nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, China (1981).
- Sensors for remote sensing. GEORGE JOSEPH, Science Today, (November 1978).
- A five channel MSS for aircraft platform. GEORGE JOSEPH and D.S. Kamat D.S., Proc. 12th Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing, Manila, p.1219 (1978).
- An experiment to detect energetic neutrons and gamma rays from the sun. Apparao M.V.K., Damle S.V., Daniel R.R., Gokhale G.S., GEORGE JOSEPH, Kundapurkar R.U. and Lavakare P.J., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Sec. C,1, 313 (1978).
- Remote sensing using balloons. GEORGE JOSEPH, SPACE, Vol. 4, No.1 (1977).
- Extra-galactic origin of low energy gamma-rays. Damle S.V., Daniel R.R., GEORGE JOSEPH and Lavakare P.J., Nature, 235, 319 (1972).
- Diffuse cosmic gamma rays observed at an equatorial balloon altitude. Daniel R.R., GEORGE JOSEPH and Lavakare P.J., Astrophys. Sp. Sci., 18, 462 (1972).
- Pulse shape discrimination technique in a CsI(TI) crystal for the detection of energetic neutrons. M.F. D’Cunha M.F. and GEORGE JOSEPH., Nucl. Inst. Methods, 95, 515 (1971).
- Cosmic flux of low energy gamma rays. Damle S.V., Daniel R.R., GEORGE JOSEPH and Lavakare P.J., Astrophys. Sp. Sci., 14, 473 (1971).
- An improved estimate of solar neutron flux measured in an earlier experiment. Daniel R.R., Gokhale G.S., GEORGE JOSEPH and Lavakare P.J., J. Geophys. Res., 76, 3152 (1971).
- The low energy gamma-ray spectrum in space. Anand K.C., GEORGE JOSEPH and Lavakare P.J., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Sec., A, 71, 225 (1970).
- Energetic neutrons and gamma rays at balloon altitude over equatorial latitude. Daniel R.R., Gokhale G.S., GEORGE JOSEPH and Lavakare P.J., Acta Phys. Acad. Hung., 29, Suppl. 2, 697 (1970).
- The low energy gamma ray spectrum in space. Anand K.C., GEORGE JOSEPH and Lavakare P.J., Proc. 11th Symp. Cosmic Rays, Astrophys, Geophys. and Elementary Particle Physics, Delhi, 2, 397 (1969).
- A search for energetic neutrons emitted during solar flares. Daniel R.R., Gokhale G.S., GEORGE JOSEPH, Lavakare P.J. and Sekhon B.S., Solar Phys., 10, pp. 465-471 (1969).
- Atmospheric neutrons and the Van Allen radiation belt. Daniel R.R., Gokhale G.S., GEORGE JOSEPH and Lavakare P.J., Proc. 11th Symp. Cosmic Rays, Astrophys. Geophys. and Elementary Particle Physics, Delhi, 2, 313 (1969).
- Gamma radiation from the Galactic centre – Future experiments. Anand K.C., Damle S.V., Daniel R.R., GEORGE JOSEPH, Lavakare P.J. and Stephens S.A., Proc. 11th Symp. Cosmic Rays, Astrophys., Geophys. and Elementary Particle Physics, Delhi, 2, 400 (1969).
- Radioactive ‘pulse light source’ for inflight calibration of scintillator photomultiplier assembly. Damle S.V. and GEORGE JOSEPH., Nucl. Inst. Methods, 65, pp. 123-124 (1968).
- Gamma rays and high energy neutrons in the atmosphere. Apparao M.V.K., Daniel R.R., GEORGE JOSEPH, Gokhale G.S., Lavakare P.J. and Sunderrajan R., Canad. J. Phys. 46, S1030 (1968).
- High-energy neutrons from the Sun. Daniel R.R., GEORGE JOSEPH, Lavakare P.J. and Sunderrajan R., Nature, 213, 21 (1967).
- Solar neutrons. GEORGE JOSEPH., Proc. 10th Symp. Cosmic Rays, Elementary Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Aligarh, pp. 61-69 (1967).
- Transistorised multichannel pulse height analyser and recording system for balloon-borne cosmic ray telescope. Damle S.V., D’Cunha M.F., GEORGE JOSEPH, Kamat A.P., Patankar S.B., Ramachandran S.R. and K.V. Srinivasan., Proc. 10th Symp. on Cosmic Rays, Elementary Particle Physics and Astrophys., Aligarh, p. 84 (1967).
- Flux of primary protons and helium nuclei near the geomagnetic equator during IQSY. Agrawal P.C., Damle S.V., Gokhale G.S., GEORGE JOSEPH, Kunte P.K. and Sunderrajan R., Proc. of IQSY Symp., New Delhi, p. 551 (1966).
- New evidence for the emission of high energy neutrons from sun. Daniel R.R., GEORGE JOSEPH, Lavakare P.J. and Sunderrajan R., Proc. IQSY Symp., New Delhi, p. 535 (1966).
- Flux of primary protons and helium nuclei and east-west and north-south asymmetries near geomagnetic equator. Agrawal P.C., Damle S.V., Gokhale G.S., GEORGE JOSEPH, Kunte P.K., Menon M.G.K. and Sunderrajan R., Proc. 9th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., London, 1, 457-461 (1965).
- Flux of primary protons and helium nuclei near the geomagnetic equator. Agrawal P.C., Damle S.V., Gokhale G.S., GEORGE JOSEPH, Menon M.G.K., Kunte P.K. and Sunderrajan R., Proc. 9th Symp. Cosmic Rays, Elementary Particle Physics and Astrophysics., Bombay, p. 58 (1965).
- Use of gas Cerenkov counter for the study of the isotopic composition of helium nuclei in primary cosmic radiation. Agrawal P.C., Damle S.V., Gokhale G.S., GEORGE JOSEPH and Menon M.G.K., Proc. 9th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., London, 1, pp. 453-456 (1965).
Books authored:
- Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. – First Edition, Universities Press, Hyderabad (2004). ISBN 81 7371 535 1 PB.
- Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. – Second Edition, Universities Press, Hyderabad (2005). ISBN 81 7371 535 1 PB.
- Building Earth Observation Cameras. CRC Press, London (2015). ISBN 9781466477.
- India’s Journey Towards Excellence in Building Earth Observation Cameras, ISBN: 9789352069989 (Rs.450/;US$10.99).
- Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. – Third Edition, Universities Press, Hyderabad (2018). ISBN 978 93 86235 46 6 2018 624pp.
Chapters contributed in books:
- Payloads for satellites, GEORGE JOSEPH, From Fishing Hamlet to Red Planet – India’s Space Journey, Eds.- P.V. Manoranjan Rao, B.N. Suresh and V.P. Balagangadharan, PP 338-361.
- How well do we understand Earth observation electro–optical parameters? Morain S.A and Budge A. (Eds.) and GEORGE JOSEPH. Post-launch Calibration of Satellite Sensors, ISPRS Book series – Volume 2, ISBN 90 5809 693 9, Leiden: Balkema, pp 3-6 (2004).
- Role of Satellite-Derived Ocean Parameters in Atmospheric Predictions, Pranav Desai and GEORGE JOSEPH, Advances in Marine and Antarctic Science, APH Publishing , 21-34 ISBN81-7648-347-8,(2002)
- Remote sensing of ocean and atmosphere. GEORGE JOSEPH and MS Narayanan, Space Research in India: Accomplishments and Prospects (Ed. MS Narayanan and others), PRL Alumni Association, Ahmedabad, (August 1999).
- Space systems for environmental monitoring. GEORGE JOSEPH, Space & Agenda, Caring for the Planet Earth, Prism Books Pvt Ltd., Bangalore, Ed. U.R. Rao, M.G. Chandrasekhar and V. Jayaraman (1995).
- IRS-1A Camera – Its Evolution and Realisation. GEORGE JOSEPH, Natural Resources Management – A New Perspective, a National Natural Resources Management System publication (ed. R.L. Karale), Bangalore. pp. 25-39 (1992).
- Evolution of remote sensing in India. GEORGE JOSEPH and Deekshatulu B.L., Space in pursuit of new horizon, a National Academy of Sciences publication, (Ed. R.K. Verma and others), Allahabad, pp. 315-355 (1992).
- Remote sensing – physical basis and its evolution. GEORGE JOSEPH and Navalgund R.R., Glimpses of Science in India (Ed. U.S. Srivastava), Malhotra Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 357-383 (1991).